What are the 10-15 things every racer should consider before a race? We asked some of our Team PRP racers what they do or bring before a race! Take some notes as these can be super helpful for not only racing, but for play too!

Adrian Orellana (Rancho Racing) Checklist:
- Radio checks with all chase vehicles
- Lock radio freq
- Intercom checks
- Steering wheel locked/tight
- Spare tire secure
- Lug nuts
- Food in car
- Microfiber towels
- Neck restraints
- Tool bags secured and tagged
- Jack secure
- Seat belts tight
- All gauges accurate
- Water bags
- GUMMY BEARS in car

Maddie Wedeking Checklist:
- Double-check race radios
- Lug nuts are all torqued down tight
- Fill camelback with Starbucks!
- New drive belt before race
- Load race course onto the GPS
- PRP Seat belts are all tight and secure
- Adjust mirrors
- Neck restraints are on and secure in case of an accident
- Impact guns are charged and loaded in the RZR

Casey Sims Checklist:
- Check fuel levels
- Transponder on car
- Tear off’s on helmet
- Radios on and checked
- Pray with mom
- Check belts
- Dad locks the window nets once I am in my RZR
- Always bring WATER!
- Go-Pro’s are on and secure
- I always touch my lucky keychain before the race!

Kaden Danbury Checklist:
For race cars:
- Install radios (if you use a handheld) and go pros
- W-40 panels for mud
- Tire pressure
- Tech car
- After practice on race weekend- air out the clutch, change belt, fuel, adjust shocks, clean air filter, wash the car
For me:
- Eat a banana (arm pump)
- Clean/ install new helmet lens
- Install tear-offs
- Charge radios
- Charge Go-Pros
- Drink lots of fluids
- Pre-race warmup- push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.
- Suit up- suit, neck brace, shoes, gloves, and helmet

Dominck Gaglione Checklist:
- Rags
- Extra water
- Snacks
- Survival gear
- Extra antenna for radio (in case you crash and snap the antenna)
- Handheld radio
- Lug nuts
- Tire pressure
- Oil levels